
Investor without borders - submit your application

The 6th edition of the project consists in awarding a prize ‘Investor without borders’ - a title given to the distinctive foreign investors in Poland and Polish investors abroad.

Main goal of the project is to promote exemplary relations between the investor, market and administration. Such relations should be based on partnership, trust and responsibility and they also should be transparent. The companies that have been granted the title will be announced at the celebratory gala during the XIV European Economic Congress in Katowice in April 2022. Among the winners of the previous editions are companies such as Unilever, Mercedes Benz Manufacturing Poland and PKN Orlen.

This project is organized by PTWP Group, the organizer of the European Economic Congress and the publisher of the WNP.PL portal

The final date for submitting your application is 28.02.2021 to with email title: "Inwestor bez granic - zgłoszenie"

Your application should include the answers on following questions:

1. Questions dedicated for the foreign and Polish investors:

  1. Investment scale (amount of expenditures, production volume, size of the supplier network);
  2. Influence on the Polish economy potential (including the volume of export and trade balance);
  3. Innovative character of used technology and manufactured products; transfer of technology and know-how supporting the investment;
  4. Investment strategy effectiveness, expenditure effectiveness, estimation and mitigation of risk, high economic and financial indexes confirming the accuracy of the decision about the investment;

2. Additional questions for the foreign investors in Poland:

  1. Influence of the investment on the Polish labour market (employment stability, percentage of workplaces needing high qualifications, location in the region in need of new workplaces, influence on creating new workplaces in the business environment);
  2. Quality of the relationship between the investor and administration (partnership, transparency, communication, responsibility, credibility);
  3. Meaning of the investment of the context of building Poland’s brand in the world;
  4. Investor’s activity in the context of communication with media, creation of the project’s image in the context of its location and surroundings;
  5. Other (i.e. not listed above) actions in the context of CSR, ESG implemented in relation to the investment: the effect of the investment on the environment, relationship with the local environment, the issue of the culture differences and tolerance, labour standards (safety, social issues);
  6. The meaning of the investment for building the cooperation network (cooperation with partners, suppliers and service providers, current and final ‘polonisation’ of the product, cooperation with scientific, research and educational institutions in the scope of B&R and employment).

3. Additional questions dedicated for the Polish companies investing abroad:

  1. Influence on the potential of Polish export;
  2. Effectiveness of the investment on the foreign markets considering the business cooperation (in the country of investment and Poland) and the cultural specificities of distant markets and the CSR rules.

Please note that The title is honorary and does not entail any award cash or material prizes.

More information:,532902.html

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