
Puratos opens Innovation Centre in Warsaw to showcase new solutions for the bakery industry

On Tuesday, 7th of May, Puratos opened its Innovation Center at The Warsaw Park complex (50 Krakowiaków Street). The aim of this space is to create further opportunities to develop partnerships with local businesses, share knowledge on the latest consumer trends and inspire customers.


The event was attended by Polish and foreign representatives of renowned bakery and confectionery companies, as well as Puratos' partners, including the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Poland, Rik van Droogenbroeck.

Guests had the opportunity to participate in product demonstrations within three separate thematic tracks - culinary, confectionery and bakery. In the convention of micro-workshops, experienced chefs and technologists, presented the process of creating dishes and applications from each area, harmoniously combining traditional recipes with modern consumer trends. Each demonstration was accompanied by a story about the creation of the respective product use and a good dose of humour.

‘The Innovation Centre, which opened today, provides a really unique opportunity not only for the company [Puratos - ed.] but also for Belgium to showcase the best we have to offer. (...) I am really happy about the presence of the Puratos Innovation Centre in Warsaw and I am very proud of it,’ said Rik Van Droogenbroeck, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Poland. Representatives of the company emphasise that the Innovation Centre is a space designed primarily to inspire customers in the fields of bakery, confectionery and chocolate industry. So far, the company has done this primarily through technological service and sharing of expertise - mainly with customers across Poland. At The Warsaw Park, customers can expect not only access to state-of-the-art catering equipment and natural products, but also the assistance of experienced technologists who will show customers an unusual approach to confectionery and baking.

Puratos Poland CEO Arkadiusz Buczynski pointed out that with the opening of the Innovation Centre, the company hopes to ‘translate consumer trends into finished products’. ‘I think that firstly we listen very well to what customers expect. Secondly, we are watching market trends and consumer trends. Thirdly, we really pay attention to the evolution of flavours, what is popular at the moment, what will be popular in a while, what customers are looking for. These are elements that we later weave into the production of our ingredients, but also into our work on applications, on individual products,’ - Arkadiusz Buczynski stated. As the company's representatives emphasise, Puratos is committed to the highest quality of the products supplied, and customers receive authentic traditional ingredients sourced with the utmost care and concern for the environment. ‘Our raw materials are sourced with respect for the environment and our goal is to provide farmers with a stable income. We work in harmony with the communities of which we are a part, and we invest in providing development opportunities in our Bakery Schools around the world,’ - Pierre Tossut, CEO of Puratos Group, stated.

The Innovation Centre is nearly 400 square metres of space divided into a production area, including a Chef Corner, bakery, confectionery, chocolatier and conference space. The centre provides the opportunity for product presentations, workshops and conferences in a modern business campus using innovative bakery and confectionery equipment. With the opening of the Innovation Centre, Puratos is creating new opportunities for the bakery and confectionery industry, combining tradition with innovation and passion with professionalism. The state-of-the-art showroom in the business complex is not only a place for meetings and presentations, but also an incubator for ideas and collaboration that sets new standards in the industry. The Puratos Innovation Centre in Warsaw is becoming a symbol of the company's commitment to continuous improvement, while being a source of inspiration for the entire industry.

Discover the aftermovie of the opening:

Source: PAP MediaRoom

Photo source: PAP/M. Kmieciński (3)


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