
SOS Ukraine - How to help wisely?

In the light of the current events in Ukraine it’s only natural that we all feel the need to help those whose lives have been scarred by war. We have prepared a short guide for you on how to help wisely.

1. Before donating goods, check what is really needed.

It’s easy to get carried away by emotions and to try donating as many things as possible. That’s why it’s so important to check with the donation point beforehand, what is currently needed. Sometimes it’s nonperishable food, sometimes it’s torches and sleeping bags. Don’t donate something just because you think it may be useful one day.

2. Don’t forget about dignity.

Following on the subject from #1, don’t forget that the people you donate clothes and objects for, have dignity. Would you want to wear a worn out jacket or a par of sandals when the temperature can get below 0 degrees? Probably not. Make sure the things you donate are new or in a good condition (also toys for children).

3. Careful who you donate money to.

Times like this bring the best in people but there is always a small group who wants to make profit on someone’s tragedy. If you decide to donate money don’t forget to verify the organization running the collection. Among the ones you can trust is Polish Humanitarian Action, Polish Center for International Aid or Fundacja Ocalenie but there are many others waiting for your support. Just don’t forget to verify them.

4. Get informed.

Remember that disinformation is a big weapon. Don’t believe everything you see on the news or Twitter, get your information from trustworthy sources.


For verified information on how to help the refugees, donate goods and money or sign up as a volunteer, check the official Government website (PL, EN, UA):


If our company is planning any aid activities, please contact us at

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