Join the conference on tax, law and accounting on 30/11/23 between 10:00-15:00 by MDDP!

November 30 2023

Join the conference on tax, law and accounting on 30/11/23 between 10:00-15:00 by MDDP!

Purpose of the conference: 

The end of the year is an intense time for tax, finance and accounting and legal teams. Many of the regulations that came into effect in 2023 raise questions of interpretation, many of which will need to be implemented in organizations in 2024. In order to help you effectively prepare for the tax and accounting year-end closing and meet the tax, legal and accounting challenges that await companies in 2024, MDDP has prepared a free online conference with the participation of MDDP tax experts, Osborne Clarke law firm legal experts and MDDP Outsourcing accounting experts.

For your convenience, the conference has been divided into 3 blocks devoted to different issues. You can attend only those parts of the event that interest you, or you can attend the entire conference.

What could the new regulations mean for your business? What solutions are worth thinking about right now? We invite you to participate!

Please note that the conference will be given in Polish. 

Conference schedule
10.00-11.40 I Part 1: Ending 2023 - what do you need to remember from a tax and accounting perspective?

12.00-13.25 I Part 2: The most important tax and accounting obligations planned for 2024 that you need to prepare for.

13.30-15.30 I Part 3: Key legal changes that have been in effect since 2023 and those that will be due for implementation in 2024.



Part 1: Year end 2023 - what do you need to remember from a tax and accounting perspective?

10.00-10.30 CIT: Justyna Bauta-Szostak and Sebastian Serowik

1. Costs of intangible services.
2. Debt financing costs, hypothetical interest in deductible expenses.
3. Settlement of tax losses.
4. Tax on flipped income.
5. Verification of withholding tax settlement obligations.
6. Reporting tax strategy.

10.30-10.45 VAT: Janina Fornalik

1. Reporting of correcting invoices in VAT settlements.
2. Effects in VAT of transfer pricing adjustments.
3. Adjustment of VAT settled according to the sales factor.

10.45-11.00: Transfer pricing: Marta Klepacz

1. Transfer pricing adjustments - an important aspect before closing the tax year.
2. Verification of marketability of related party settlements - how to manage TPR risks before the end of 2023?

11.00-11.40: Balance sheet issues: Agnieszka Piętak and Zbigniew Pisarek

1. Accounting for revenues and expenses at the turn of the year.
2. Verification of corrective invoices for the reasons for their issuance and appropriate allocation to the right periods.
3. Reconciliation of the effective tax rate - as a control tool of the prepared tax calculation.
4. Identification of potential areas of activity qualifying under potential CIT relief.
5. Verification of donations in terms of their deduction in CIT.
6. CIT-8 return preparation rules - what attachments apply for 2023, and what disappears from returns?
7. First settlements of family foundations for 2023.

REGISTER HERE FOR PART 1: Zakończenie roku 2023 - o czym trzeba pamiętać z perspektywy podatkowej i księgowej (

Part 2: The most important tax and accounting obligations for 2024 that you need to prepare 

12.00 -12.30 VAT: Janina Fornalik

1. Are you ready for KSeF?

12.30-13.15 CIT: Konrad Medolinski

1. Polish (local) minimum tax.
2. WHT - what do you need to do at the beginning of the year?

13.15-13.25: Accounting issues: Agnieszka Piętak and Zbigniew Pisarek

1. Changes in depreciation.
2. Non-application of exemptions for certain grants, subsidies, surcharges, other gratuitous benefits or amounts received from government agencies or executive agencies.

REGISTER HERE FOR PART 2: Najważniejsze obowiązki podatkowe i księgowe na 2024 r., do których trzeba się przygotować (

Part 3: Key legal changes that are effective from 2023 and those that will be due for implementation in 2024.

13.30-14.00: Changes in labor law: Anna Golenia-Wójcik

1. New obligations of employers related to remote work and OSH: From when should the new regulations be applied? What equipment will an employer have to provide to a remote worker?
2. Protective provisions for employees in connection with litigation: Who will be affected by the new entitlements, and what consequences might this have for employers?
3. Whistleblowers: What obligations will be imposed on employers? Who is affected by the provisions relating to whistleblower protection?
4. Wage disclosure: What does salary disclosure mean and what actions will employers have to take?

14:00-14:30: Changes in the real estate sector: Piotr Brzózka and Michalina Skarżyńska

1. Energy performance certificates: When is their preparation necessary? What are the consequences of not obtaining an energy performance certificate?
2. Planning and zoning: What will replace the zoning study? What changes await zoning decisions? Is the integrated investment plan an opportunity for investors?
3. Agricultural real estate: What should be kept in mind when selling shares in a company?
4. Perpetual usufruct: Which perpetual usufructuaries and with respect to which properties can demand their sale?

14:30-15:00: Changes in the trade and e-commerce sector: Monika Gaczkowska and Aleksandra Szczęsna

1. Omnibus directive: How should prices be properly presented for promotions? What are the exemptions to these rules? What are the penalties for non-compliance with the rules on price information? What were the first penalties for?
2. Dark patterns: what are dark patterns? What are their types? What are the penalties for their use? Does the President of the OCCP check only selected industries?

REGISTER HERE FOR PART 3: Kluczowe zmiany prawne, które obowiązują od 2023 r. oraz te, które będą do wdrożenia w 2024 r. (

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Practical information




30 November 2023

Last day of registration

01 December 2023


Free of charge

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