Representation of the common interests - survey | IGCC 2023

Survey report | IGCC 2023

The Head of the Belgian Business Chamber - Magdalena Leo together with Business Development Manager - Julia Stachowicz had the pleasure to meet with the rest of the representatives of the International Group of Chambers of Commerce to discuss the challenges and common initiatives to support the business activity of foreign investors in Poland.

From many years, we are involved in the International Group of Chamber of Commerce, which was created to have a united platform of communication for the international business community with the Polish Government.

We aim at representation of the common interests of foreign entrepreneurs. We want to strengthen your voice in the dialogue with Polish local authorities. For this reason, we have created a special form for BBC Members so that you can report any concerns and problems to us in a simpler way!

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During the business lunch, we congratulated the Scandinavian Polish Chamber of Commerce on taking over the presidency and thanked the Advanced Austria for its work to date. 

Today IGCC brings together 16 Chambers of Commerce representing 22 Countries and over 2000 companies employing hundreds of thousands people, representing the most significant foreign investments in the country.

Read more: www.inwestycjezagraniczne.com/en/main-eng/




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