
BZEN – Superlight urban e-bike with Belgian roots

BZEN – Superlight urban e-bike with Belgian roots

BZEN Bikes is a #BBCMember producing superlight urban e-bike with Belgian roots.

BZEN is a Belgian start-up that manufactures and sells superlight electric bicycles for urban commuting. The bicycles are #MadeInPoland, near Warsaw. The Belgian initiative, supported by the know-how of Polish engineers, is specialized in making superlight and comfortable city bikes with particular care for women. 
With its timeless style and detailed design that hides the battery and cables in the frame, it's actually hard to notice that it's an electric bike. This makes it even more unique than other e-bike brands.

Starting at 14.5kg BZEN e-bikes are really light and easy to ride or carry a few steps up or down when needed. 
The e-bikes are equipped with components of top-quality brands making them safe and reliable for your everyday commuting. 
BZEN is committed to quality. This bike is meant to last for years and to be reliable. That's why the company works only with proven suppliers from Europe and pays attention to such features as anti-scratch tires, powerful led lights and a maintenance-free drivetrain.  

BZEN's handmade bicycles are designed, engineered and made in Europe. BZEN is one of the few bicycle brands that exclusively develops its own frames in its workshop in Europe. This guarantees the quality of a fully customized bike, with every component designed to provide the best experience for the cyclist. 
To confirm the highest standard of the materials used, BZEN provides a 5-year warranty on the frame and fork, which makes the brand reliable and demonstrates its commitment to the highest quality.
Find our more about BZEN Bikes in the Youtube clip below:

Discover BZEN and make commuting in your city pure happiness.

Source: BZEN Bikes



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