
Let's go to Belgium!

Let's go to Belgium!

In September 2023, the Belgian Business Chamber will launch the first edition of the mission to Belgium. The mission will take place from 24nd until 28th of September 2023 and will be dedicated to the promotion of Polish-Belgian business relations. The program of the mission will be spread over three intense days with each day focussing on one of the Belgian regions :  

In Brussels, the focus will be on HR. The participants of the mission will have the opportunity to connect with the most prominent HR companies that are active on Polish and Belgian markets, as well as exchange their best practices. The HR networking event will be hosted in the premises of NCBR on rue Beillard 40, Brussels.   

In Flanders, the mission will highlight the great achievements of the Real Estate sector in Poland. The participants will be able to have a look at the Polish Real Estate market through the eyes of its most successful actors.  

Finally, the mission will move to Wallonia where the focus will be on the production sector. The mission will allow local companies to present their successes on the Polish market and inspire entrepreneurs who would like to follow their path.  

The program will include visits to the premises of our BBC members and networking events in all three regions. This will offer a great opportunity to highlight the success stories of our members on the Polish market as well as allow them share their experiences with entrepreneurs interested in developing their business.  

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