
New Leadership at IGCC: Change of Presidency

New Leadership at IGCC: Change of Presidency

We are pleased to announce a significant change within the International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC). The Portuguese Chamber has officially handed over the presidency to the Polish Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Each Chamber within the IGCC takes on the presidency for a 6-month term. The Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce held the IGCC presidency from January to June 2024. Now, from July to December 2024, the Canadian Chamber will be leading the IGCC.

This transition marks a new chapter for the IGCC, with the Polish Canadian Chamber of Commerce bringing fresh perspectives and dynamic leadership to our collective efforts. We extend our deepest gratitude to the Portuguese Chamber for their exemplary leadership and dedication during their tenure.

We look forward to the innovative initiatives and strengthened international collaboration that the Polish Canadian Chamber of Commerce will undoubtedly bring to IGCC!


The International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC) was established in 2005 to create a united platform of communication for the international business community with the Polish Government.

Each Chamber being a member of IGCC is equally represented on the Board and able to contribute to define the action plans and activities of the organization. The IGCC started in 2005 with four Chambers as founding members – American, British, French and Italian. Today IGCC is a group of 16 Chambers of Commerce representing 22 Countries and over 2000 companies employing hundreds of thousands people, representing the most significant foreign investments in the country.

Poland represents an important partner for growth and development for all the companies who invested in this market. There is also great opportunity to attract significantly more foreign direct investment in different economic sectors. The knowledge across the world about what Poland means from a business perspective is becoming more widely known through the track record of successful FDI and strong economic development.


Źródło: IGCC

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