
#Poland4Explorers - Trade mission

#Poland4Explorers - Trade mission

We kindly invite you to the #Poland4Explorers trade mission organised by Flanders Investment&Trade which will take place between 17-18 May in Warsaw and 19-20 May in Poznań. 

Representatives of 25 Belgian/Flemish companies will visit Poland in search for new partners and importers, as well as to learn about specifics of running a business in Poland. The companies represent the variety of sectors such as construction, electronics and new technologies, environment protection and more. Detailed information about the companies is available under this link. All of those companies are eager to start cooperation with Polish companies interested in purchasing their goods and services.

If you wish to participate in #Poland4Explorers trade mission, please contact: e-mail title 'Trade mission' with the indication of the company you wish to meet with in the e-mail body.


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