
The latest Dardenne brothers movie "Tori and Lokita" will be released in Poland from 09.06.23!

The latest Dardenne brothers movie "Tori and Lokita" will be released in Poland from 09.06.23!

The latest movie by the Belgian filmdirectors, Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne will be released in Polish cinemas from Friday, June 9th! 

Tori is a young boy, Lokita just a teenager, both of them fled violence and poverty from West Africa and would like to have a fresh start in Belgium. Yet the indifference of immigration services, families demanding support and debts incurred with smugglers, push the two protagonists into a gray area, where criminals exploit unaccompanied and disenfranchised children.

"Tori and Lokita" is a story of courage and hope that cannot be broken.

The movie is in French original version with Polish subtitles


You can find more details about the movie and book your tickets following this link:

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