
Do you dream of a photo session at the Mniszech Palace? - WOŚP Auction -

Do you dream of a photo session at the Mniszech Palace? - WOŚP Auction -

The Belgian Embassy in Warsaw offers access to the interiors and garden of the Mniszech Palace for a 3-hour photo shoot.


The Belgian Embassy in Warsaw is located in one of the most beautiful buildings in the capital - the 18th-century Mniszech Palace, rebuilt after World War II thanks to the cooperation of Poles and Belgians.


The unique spiral staircase leading to the official lounges, the void through 3 levels of the building topped with a gigantic chandelier or the intricate details of the marble and wooden floors are only a part of the charm of this building.


It could become the perfect setting for a unique photography session - wedding, family or for admirers of beautiful interiors.


The winner of this auction will have access to the Palace's interiors and garden for a 3-hour photo session, a foretaste of which you can get by taking a virtual walk:


Do not miss such an opportunity!

Details: Ambasada Belgii: Marzysz o sesji w Pałacu? - Aukcje WOŚP -

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