
Welcome our new member - Interflux

Welcome our new member - Interflux
We are happy to welcome Interflux among #BBCMembers!

Interflux was established at the beginning of the 1990s as a company supplying the Polish electronics industry with high-quality production means and equipment for the electronics industry.
We support with our commercial offer and experience both manufacturers of electronic laminates and companies processing further phases of production up to final assembly. Surface mount technology (SMT), through-hole technology (THT), painting, coating, cleaning, repair, final assembly, process quality control - all of this is within our area of expertise.

For 20 years, we have continuously supported our customers in good and bad times, living their challenges, enjoying their successes and worrying about their troubles.
Our company has an excellent logistics base located in Toruń, an extensive warehouse and a crew that ensures a rapid response to your needs. A small conference room provides a good venue for equipment demonstrations and business meetings.
If you wish, we can always visit your company and present our offer.

Stephane Ciechanowski | |


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