
Before traveling Belgium - Poland

New measures were laid down for all non-essential international travel for countries accessible to Belgian travellers.

The list of European member states and/or countries belonging to the Schengen zone is now divided into red, orange and green zones. These zones are regularly updated and published on the Foreign Affairs website.

Regarding the last update (26/08) Provinces of Silesia, Lesser Poland, Greater Poland, Opole, Lodz, Podkarpackie, Mazovia, Pomerania and region of Warsaw are marked as an orange zone. 

Orange zones are municipalities, districts, cities, regions or countries for which a moderately high risk of infection has been identified.

There is no travel ban in place for these zones.

Make sure, however, to check the travel advice for these destinations before your departure as it is possible that the local government imposes one or more restrictions on tourists from Belgium. This can be an obligation to register, submitting a recent negative coronavirus test or even to quarantine on arrival.

People who return from these zones will be asked to undergo testing and go into quarantine.

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