Business Outlook Survey - Results 2023

Poland ranks first as the most attractive investment location for business among the countries included in this year's survey (Central and Eastern Europe and China and Russia). In addition, 92.7% of respondents would again choose Poland as a location for their business.

These are the conclusions of the prosperity survey "Poland in the eyes of foreign investors," conducted in March 2023 on behalf of the Polish-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Poland) and IGCC (a network of international chambers of commerce operating in Poland), whom Belgian Business Chamber is a member. 

Invariably for years, the greatest influence on Poland's attractiveness as a place to do business has been indicated by its membership in the European Union, with a total of 99.1% of positive assessments recorded. In second place were the quality and availability of local suppliers (95.5%), and in third place were the qualifications of employees (93.2%). Respondents cited areas that hindered their business, such as legal security, the operation of public administration and the flexibility of labor laws. However, respondents rated the predictability of economic policy the worst, with 63.6% of negative statements, and the tax system and tax administration, with 48.2%. There was also a significant percentage of negative assessments of the tax burden and the country's political and social stability.

Read more about the results 

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