Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Member of the BBC,
According to our annual action plan and BBC statute, the General Assembly, and the election of the new BBC Board were planned for 2nd of June 2020, at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Warsaw.
However, the outbreak of the Corona Virus and the many social restrictions made it impossible to comply with the original timeframe. We are obliged to postpone the General Assembly and the election of the new BBC Board to 10thof September 2020 at 5.30 p.m. at the Embassy of Belgium in Warsaw.
We also consider organizing the General Assembly on-line if the situation would not allow us to have it in person. Of course, you will receive the required notification at a later date as well as all necessary documentation.
This is also a time to elect the new BBC Board Members. Therefore, we encourage all Members who would like to help fulfill the BBC’s mission, vision and actively contribute to the further growth and development of the Belgian Business Chamber to submit their application for a position on the Board of Directors by sending their CV and a short cover letter (in English) including the vision for the development of the Chamber for the next 2 years. Applications should be sent to by the 27th of August 2020.
I apologize for any inconvenience caused but I am sure that you fully understand the reasons for this postponement.
I wish you to be safe and healthy in these challenging times.
Yours faithfully,
Magdalena Leo
Head of the BBC