It is a great pleasure to invite you to the virtual ceremonial opening event of the multisectoral trade mission of Inisol from the Solvay Business School at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium) organized by Inisol in cooperation with Flanders Investment & Trade and supported by the Embassy of Belgium.
Inisol is an association of master students of business economics who are highly motivated to gain practical experience by organizing an annual trade mission to emerging economies. This year, 23 students, each representing a Belgian company on the Polish market, will conduct market research during the month of April, looking for potential customers and partnerships.
The opening event will take place on Tuesday 20 April 2021 from 14:00 to 16:00 and will be held in the English language. It will start with an intro session where Inisol, the Embassy of Belgium and Flanders Investment & Trade will give a short introduction, followed by an interactive networking session. You will have the opportunity to immediately get in touch with Belgian companies active in different sectors and industries, such as ICT, agriculture, food, construction and industrial products, they are looking forward to do business in Poland. The enclosed brochure provides more information on the trade mission and the participating Belgian companies.
You can register for the event by filling in the following form:
We would appreciate a confirmation of your attendance by Friday 16 April 2021. Further information on the online platform of the event and login details will be provided as soon as possible before the start of the event.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you very much and we look forward to welcoming you.
Kind regards,
Katrien Leinders
Flemish Economic and Commercial Representative to the Embassy of Belgium in Poland