what we do

BBC’s Services

The Belgian Business Chamber (BBC) is your gateway to a thriving network of professionals, companies, and organizations committed to fostering collaboration and driving success in the business community. As a trusted partner for Belgian and international enterprises, we offer a wide range of services designed to empower our members and create meaningful connections.

Become a member

Business meetings

Connecting people and businesses

One of the aims of the Belgian Business Chamber is to connect people and businesses.

Based on our co-operation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium, Representations of the Regions and Communities to Poland, other International Chambers of Commerce, the media and various other partners, the BBC has wide networking opportunities.

Therefore the BBC supports you and the development of your company through its network of contacts by arranging business meetings with selected representatives of BBC Member companies that are in your area of interest.

We do our best to meet your needs and expectations.


BBC Connects

BBC Connects is a personalized member-to-member connection service by the Belgian Business Chamber. It fosters collaboration and networking, helping members connect and grow together.

How It Works?

  • Request: A member requests to connect with another
  • Approval: The Chamber seeks consent from the target member company
  • Introduction: With approval, an email facilitates the connection.

Start Connecting Today!
Submit your request to leverage the power of BBC Connects and unlock new opportunities. Contact us at bbc@belgium.pl


Marketing tools

Increase your company’s visibility

Articles on BBC News

The Belgian Business Chamber gives you the opportunity to publish your Company’s successes, awards, changes, updates, publications and/or offers also on the BBC News. Thanks to this, your articles will be posted on additional website and will have a bigger chance to reach more of the recipients.

The BBC is open to organize with you a series of publications of your articles under the name #Name_of_your_company_forBBC

Event on BBC’s Calendar

Are you organizing Business Breakfasts, Conferences, Seminars, Meetings, Workshops, Roundtables or Webinars? Why don’t tick it on the BBC’s calendar! The calendar situated on the main site attracts attention of visitors and ensure you with more participants.

The events are tagged in three categories: cultural, social, business.


Promote your company by sending mailings to BBC Members.

The Belgian Business Chamber offers you the possibility to send information about your company’s successes, awards, changes, updates and/or special offers to a very specific target group of businesspeople in Poland - the BBC Members.

The aim of this service is to improve communication among our Members and additionally to enable selected companies outside the BBC to present themselves to the Member community. Moreover, Members also have the possibility to introduce themselves to other companies in a more detailed way.

The information is most likely to be placed in the e-mails as a .jpg document with a hyperlink to the company’s website, and with a pdf attachment if needed.


One of the most effective ways of promoting a company, and its products or services, is internet advertising. It increases your company’s visibility and, at the same time, optimises the positioning of your company on the web. Therefore the BBC offers you the possibility to place an advertisement for your company as a banner on the BBC website.

This offer refers to a horizontal banner (1200 x 200 px) visible on the home page and also located in the middle section of our website www.belgium.pl (below the 'News’ and ‘Events’ sections).

Social Media

Good social media marketing can transform the success of your brand. This is why the Belgian Business Chamber does its best to stay updated with the “News from #BBCMembers” and spread them out to the growing contact network.

With over 2 800 followers on LinkedIn and more than 40 000 views of the publication, the BBC can help you share the company’s successes, awards, changes, updates, publications, events and/or offers.

Belgian Business Chamber is also present on Facebook with the amount of over 830 likes and followers. This is the site where the BBC tries to show more its social face. Despite the Members news, here you can find the photo relations of the events, curiosities of Belgium or the Belgian political communicates.

The BBC starts to be more active on Instagram. Each Wednesday the BBC's instastory is dedicated to News from BBC Members where we share the latest and leading posts of #BBCMembers. In every BBC’s post, the member is linked and marked on a hashtag.

Job openings

Reach an even wider audience

Are you hiring new co-workers? Let us spread the news among the Belgian Business Chamber Members by placing a job advertisement on our website & reach an even wider public by placing it on social media such as LinkedIn & Facebook.

Get in touch

We are members of

International Mediation Center (MCM)

The International Mediation Centre constitutes a platform for out-of-court dispute resolution, which is available for all entrepreneurs. Mediation offered by our Centre is a way to reconcile the conflicting interests out of court. Through mediation almost all conflicts can be solved. Professional mediation centres give 80% likelihood to the conflicted parties to reach a successful conclusion.

International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC)

The International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC) was established in 2005 on the initiative of the former President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce (CCIIP) Vittorio Hemsi. The aim was to create a united platform of communication for the international business community with the Polish Government.

Coalition of Chambers of Commerce for Health (KIH)

In June 2020, five international chambers of commerce and business in Poland signed a letter of intent for joint dialogue in support of ensuring that Poland's health care system is financed at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average level and that access to health care services is improved.



Become a BBC member

Become part of Poland’s thriving business community that helps strengthen the country’s ability to attract, keep and grow jobs.

Become a member

Your support means the world to us!
We are honored to be part of your organisation.
We especially enjoyed the business mixer idea, which was truly helpful to start new business relations during the pandemic.

Kamila Sita
Kamila Sita

We had the opportunity to organize many events together with the Belgian Business Chamber. Each time we can count on support from the chamber and help in reaching the members' needs. The cooperation is irreproachable, and the representatives of the chamber always respond to all our requests as quickly as possible and take action on an ongoing basis.

Katarzyna Klimkiewicz Deplano
Katarzyna Klimkiewicz Deplano

We highly appreciate the dedication and professionalism of the BBC team, trying to take a proactive approach on the challenges members are facing. The BBC events are a valuable platform to build your network, partnerships, get access to market information…and have a good time!

Jadwiga Kosińska
Jadwiga Kosińska