
Call for applications for the 2nd edition of the Diversity Charter Award (Karty Różnorodności) is now open!

The Diversity Charter Award recognises employer initiatives related to diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI). Companies, organisations, universities, public institutions and local authorities can submit their application to the Award. 

The Diversity Charter Awards will be presented in three categories:

DEI in business,
DEI in the non-business sector,
DEI in local government.

In the DEI in business category, winners will be selected in the areas of:

- Partnerships - an award for cross-sector collaboration in the implementation of diversity management activities.
- Corporate activism - an award for speaking out on a socially important issue
- Children's rights in business - award for respecting children's rights in the context of entity impact.
- Employee volunteering - award for a volunteering project related to diversity management.
- Innovative approach - an award for an innovative action on diversity management.

How to apply for the competition?

You can submit your chosen action via the application form available at

Applications are accepted until the 23 February 2024. There is no fee applicable to participate in the competition.

The announcement of the results and the awarding of the Diversity Charter Awards will take place in spring 2024 during the inauguration of the Diversity Month in Poland.

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