
Welcome our new member - Weegree!

We are happy to welcome Weegree among BBCMembers!

Weegree is a Polish family company located in Opole, founded by two brothers: Grzegorz Kuliś and Tomasz Kuliś. Since its establishment, we have been constantly improving the quality of our services, which is evidenced by the high number of employees who have trusted us and whom we have found employment. In our offices work 114 specialists.

'In Weegree we advise, create and manage. We deal with outsourcing, which means we can assume tasks requiring contribution of qualified personnel. Therefore, you can take the long view and concentrate on the most vital targets of your company, expanding activity and improving the quality of services.
Bearing in mind the success of our clients, we invest in comprehensive solutions to be offered in the form of technological tools.'

Contact person:
Mikołaj Chmielak
+48 077 543 18 51

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